Welcome to Power Living Adelaide
More than just yoga, you’ll find Power Living Adelaide offers a whole world of health, social and environmental education. Our mission is to create healthy humans who do their part for a healthier planet.
The journey starts with your own physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Offerings range from power vinyasa to restorative yin, from strength training with physios to meditative qigong. Join us for guided meditations, talks for positive mind-food, educational courses and transformative trainings to change your life.
Meet our leading inspirational teachers and our international yoga family. Join the movement.
City and Glenelg studios are open to normal in-studio practice. Check the City and Glenelg timetables to book in. (Please remember there are cancellation policies around in-studio classes.)
Livestream will of course continue throughout for community near and far. We love having you join our live classes and extend the love beyond borders of states and countries.
Stay strong. Stay connected. Much love from the whole PL Adelaide team.
Mar 3
A magical evening to unite voice with spirit. Led by Kristin Spence, Adam Whiting and Tessa Leon, we will combine ancient mantra and modern song to feel connected to something bigger than yourself.
Come together with community and add your voice to the chorus, or simply sit and listen with your heart wide open.
Sun 21 Mar
City Studio
FREE for members
$22 casual visit
Please book online to join us ?
#powerlivingadelaide #adelaideyoga #kirtan #mantra #yogacommunity
Mar 1
New Yin class added at Glenelg! ?
By popular demand, you now have more yin deliciousness at our bayside oasis with the divine Bianca Zara.
Every Wednesday night 7:45pm starting this week.
Book online to join us ❤️
Pic by @adamwhitingyoga
#powerlivingadelaide #adelaideyoga #yinyoga #jettyrdglenelg
Feb 26
Creating an inclusive space is so important to us. We want to make sure you feel welcome and safe at our studios.
We have toilets that are non-gendered at both the City and Glenelg studios. Anybody is free to use these restrooms, regardless of gender identity or expression.
#powerlivingadelaide #yogaisforeverybody #welcome
Feb 25
Calling all arm-balance dreamers…
Anti-Gravity Lab is coming to Glenelg! ?
From crow pose to flying pigeon, join Adam Whiting to focus solely on balancing on your hands. This educational and exploratory workshop will investigate all the aspects that allow us to take flight in different shapes.
Strengthen and integrate through an intelligent flow to build up awareness, then break down the techniques, play, and ask questions.
Everybody welcome with variations offered for all levels!
SUN 14 March
Glenelg Studio
11:30am – 1:30pm
w/ @adamwhitingyoga
$49 (members 10% off)
Link in bio to book
#adelaideyoga #powerlivingadelaide #armbalances #yogalove #yogastrength
Feb 24
“Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach.”
– Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Pic of our amazing @misiamanuela captured by @alexschumacher__
#powerlivingadelaide #intelligentliving #yogapractice
Feb 22
Know someone who would love yoga but is too nervous to start? This workshop is the place to begin.
Essential for anyone in the first couple years of vinyasa practice. Spend 2.5hr with the incredible Kel Newstead to break down the foundations of the physical practice.
Learn detailed techniques based on anatomical awareness and embed the fundamentals of safe practice. Walk out educated and empowered about the foundations of vinyasa and how to embody the physical asana in a smart, strong, safe way.
SAT 27 Feb
11:15am | Glenelg Studio
$49 (members 10% off)
.#powerlivingadelaide #adelaideyoga #vinyasayoga #beginneryoga #yogafoundations
Feb 19
Special guest announcement!
We’re honoured to welcome Doha Khan, environmental activist and leader of SA’s School Strike for Climate protests. As a 16yr old Doha rallied on the steps of Parliament House with only 300 other students, demanding the State Government commit to renewable energy within 10 years, and create opportunities for those looking to move out of the fossil fuel industry. Three years later, that protest swelled to 20,000 people.
She’ll be one of the expert educators guiding our learning on Wed 3 March, 7:30pm in the City & Livestream.
Book now to join this FREE educational session.
Link in bio.
#powerlivingadelaide #intelligentliving #climatechange
Feb 19
Special guest announcement!
We’re honoured to welcome Craig Wilkins, CEO of the Conservation Council South Australia. Craig is a passionate believer in collective altruism – the act of people generously working together on behalf of others and the planet we call home.
He’ll be one of the expert educators guiding our learning on Wed 3 March.
Book now to join this FREE educational session.
Link in bio.
#powerlivingadelaide #intelligentliving #climatechange
Feb 18
We’ve heard about global warming for decades yet continue to sleep-walk into an existential threat not just to the environment, but humanity itself. The science is in absolute consensus: climate change is real, it’s already impacting us, and it’s being driven by human activity. The only thing scientists can’t model is how humans will respond to this crisis. So… how will you respond?
Let’s take a courageous look into this enormous issue that we all must face.
2 months | 4 events | Big impact
Events are on the first and third Wednesday of each month and are free for anybody to be involved. Invite your networks. Together we can support one another in taking meaningful action for a brighter future.
Special guest speakers to give us the real info.
Wed 3 Mar | 7:30pm
City Studio & Livestream
2. MOVIE NIGHT: ’A Life on our Planet’
Bolsters & popcorn supplied
Wed 17 Mar | 7:30pm
City Studio
3. INK & IDEAS: ‘Hope in Hell’
A book club for the modern world
Wed 7 Apr | 7:30pm
City Studio
Consolidate, share and discuss the way forward
Wed 21 Apr | 7:30pm
City Studio
Link in bio for more details and to book.
#powerlivingadelaide #intelligentliving #climatechange #climatecrisis #courageousconversations