Political Activism
Guest Speakers: State MP for Environment David Speirs and Adelaide City Counsellor Robert Simms
Actions WE Can Take
Personal Behaviour Change
- Build a relationship with your local member of parliament (aim for 2-3 connections per year)
- Sign up to organisations like Australian Conservation Fund, Wilderness Society, Greenpeace for updates and info
- Check out “The Conversation” as a science and evidence-based source of news.
Community Behaviour Change
- Have a difficult conversation with someone in your circle who you know shares different views to you. See if you can find common ground and build greater understanding.
Community Activism
- Divest your money from banks, superannuation funds, or shares that invest in fossil fuels
- Call out contradictions or green-washing by companies that you use or interact with (eg Santos sponsoring Tour Down Under)
Systems Activism
- Contact your local MP with specific requests or concerns around policy (they are surprisingly accessible)
Indigenous Voices
Dr Chris Wilson is an archaeologist and Senior Lecturer in Archaeology & Indigenous Australian Studies at Flinders University.
Actions WE Can Take
Personal Behaviour Change
Education: Read Dark Emu, Watch Stan Grant
Community Behaviour Change
Offer acknowledgement of country
About the talk:
Chris walked us through his journey as the first Indigenous Australian to be awarded a PhD in Archeology, speaking to some of the support and mentoring he received, some of the cultural barriers that are present and to the current BLM movement.